Whether you’ve been using the same hearing aids for a long time, and they’ve become less effective or you’ve perhaps noticed a change in your hearing recently, it’s worth seeing a hearing specialist. What are the signs and symptoms of hearing loss? How can you improve your hearing? Are there benefits to speaking to an audiologist about your hearing problems? This guide will answer all those questions below!

Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

What are some typical signs and symptoms of hearing loss? A lot of the time, an individual themselves doesn’t recognize the hearing loss until someone else close to them mentions it. It’s worthwhile to know what signs and symptoms to look out for, for yourself. Hopefully, you’ll be able to spot these signs to help with your hearing loss:

  • Difficulty hearing conversations, especially in noisy environments.
  • Asking people to repeat what they’ve said.
  • Listening to the TV or radio on a higher volume than needed.
  • Missing sounds you once heard.
  • Pain in your ear.

If you’re experiencing any of the above, or you’ve noticed a loved one is experiencing these symptoms, then it’s worth encouraging them or yourself to go and make an appointment. An audiologist will be able to assess, diagnose and treat your hearing loss.

How to Improve Your Hearing

How can you improve your hearing health? If you’re looking to be proactive when it comes to your hearing, then there are certainly some top tips to help improve your hearing. Here are some helpful tips worth knowing.

Check Your Ears for Earwax

Checking your ears regularly for excess earwax is important. Earwax is something that helps protect your eardrum and ear canal from damage. However, excess earwax can actually block sounds and cause hearing loss if impacted. Make sure you speak to a hearing specialist about clearing excess earwax, rather than attempting to do it yourself. Do not try and use a cotton swab to remove your earwax, as this can push the wax further into the canal.

Turn Down the Volume

When enjoying the radio or television, consider reducing the volume to align with recommended guidelines. In certain instances, you can train your ears to adapt to lower volumes, which can be a proactive measure to prevent potential damage that may accrue over time if you consistently listen at high volumes. Ask your audiologist about the recommended volume levels to help protect your hearing.

Wear Ear Protection

Prioritizing ear protection is crucial, especially in environments characterized by high noise levels. It’s important to note that even a single exposure to loud noise can have a lasting impact on your hearing. For this reason, whether you work in a noisy setting or regularly attend live music events, considering the use of earplugs or protective gear. Your hearing specialist can give you guidance on hearing protection and which will best for the situation you are in.

Schedule a Hearing Test

Scheduling a hearing test is a great way to check on your hearing routinely, to make sure that it’s as it should be. At your hearing test, your audiologist can test to see if your hearing has changed or if you already wear hearing aids they can make appropriate adjustments to your hearing aids. If you’re worried about your hearing at any point, then scheduling a hearing test is always the next best option.

The Benefits of Hearing Aids

You’ve got plenty of benefits that come with hearing aids, should you be offered them at your next hearing test appointment. These include:

  • Can reduce cognitive decline.
  • Hear sounds you previously couldn’t hear.
  • Engage in conversations again – even in noisy environments.
  • No need to ask people you speak to, to repeat themselves.

There are three main styles of hearing aids like behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and in the canal (ITC). Hearing aids are comfortable, easily accessible through hearing appointments and may benefit your life in a more meaningful way. Talk with your audiologist about these styles and see which one would be the perfect solution for you.

Speak to a Hearing Specialist About Your Hearing Problems

If you have any concerns about your hearing loss, then it’s worth approaching an audiologist. They are qualified to assess, diagnose and fit you with hearing aids should you need them. Scheduling an appointment with an audiologist is very easy and ideally, you want to be attending routine appointments on a yearly basis.

For more information on hearing aids, speak to one of our audiologists at Audiology and Hearing Aid Services. Give us a call at 912-351-3038 and we’ll be able to assist you with your hearing loss needs, whatever they may be.

Tags: hearing aid services, hearing care services