Hearing loss is something that impacts millions of people all over the world. There are multiple kinds of hearing loss and even more potential causes for it. 

Because of that, a specialist in hearing loss and hearing-related conditions will always be important. That specialist is known as an audiologist. 

There are a number of different duties and roles that an audiologist can undertake. Here are just some of the primary roles and duties of an audiologist.


When the first signs of possible hearing loss start to come up, the most important thing is to make sure that it is properly diagnosed. After all, correct diagnosis is essential to ensure that the course of treatment that is suggested is correct.

This means that an audiologist will need to be able to diagnose different types of hearing loss based on various hearing assessments and tests. When dealing with children or those who have trouble communicating, this can be something of a challenge. Audiologists need to be well trained and exceptionally skilled in order to make sure that they're able to conduct assessments carefully and get the right results.


Hearing loss can be a frightening thing for a lot of people to experience and that means that many audiologists will have to take on the role of counseling in order to help patients and families through this difficult time. 

Many of the results of tests and audiological assessments are conveyed to patients and families in layman's terms by a counselor which means that an audiologist must have the ability to convey this potentially sensitive information to their patients with a great deal of care and professionalism.

These duties also mean that it is incredibly important for audiologists to make sure that they are able to identify the needs of patients in terms of extended care and their needs.

Audiological care 

Certain types of hearing loss can often involve patients needing to be seen by a variety of different medical professionals and experts and it will sometimes be the duty of an audiologist to act as an individual case manager for the patients. 

An audiologist may take the lead at the start of the process and create a plan for diagnosis and treatment. They will then coordinate with other medical professionals and hearing experts to make sure that they are able to provide their patients with the best support and treatment possible. An audiologist will often recommend the right intervention methods to their patients.

They will also sometimes coordinate between the patients and other medical professionals by keeping professionals up to date on the patient's progress and their needs. It is the duty of an audiologist to help their patients make the best and most informed decisions about their treatment.

Audiological research

As a field of medicine and treatment, audiology is actually relatively recent compared to many other fields. Because of that, research is an incredibly important area of audiology. Some audiologists focus their time and attention on making sure that they are able to better understand the human ear, while others focus on improving methods for diagnosis and treatment.

Likewise, there is a great deal of research that goes into improving the devices and appliances that help patients experiencing hearing loss to hear. On the other hand, research into testing and diagnostic tools is just as important and can often lead to some of the most significant developments. With the nature of audiology as a young field and the constant improvements being made to modern technology, there are always areas of audiological research that are possible.


Among many people both young and old, there is a great deal of misinformation the gets spread about hearing loss. From the kinds of people who experience hearing loss to the potential causes, this kind of misinformation can be actively harmful. Because of that, it is the duty of educational audiologists to help to spread the word among educators about the realities of hearing loss. 

Many educational audiologists will work in schools with staff and teachers to help them better support any children who might experience any kind of hearing loss, while also providing potential resources for deaf students to enhance their experience at school and to help them get the most out of their learning every day.

To get the best possible idea of what the duties of an audiologist really are, call us today at 912-351-3038 to learn more about Audiology and Hearing Aid Service.