Experiencing hearing loss isn’t the end of the world. Many people worry about losing their ability to hear, but life is made much easier thanks to hearing aids. A hearing aid fits in your ear and will amplify the world around you, letting you hear sounds once more. They are so effective at helping people live with hearing loss, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. 

As a general rule, don’t believe anything you hear or read about hearing aids unless it comes from a hearing health professional. With that in mind, we’re debunking some of the biggest myths surrounding these small devices:

Hearing Aids Will Cure Hearing Loss

Unfortunately, this is not true. Hearing aids will not help to revert the signs of hearing loss. However, they can amplify the sounds that you hear, meaning you can hear more with your hearing aids. It will feel as though you can hear properly, but this is only the case when wearing the device. Take your hearing aids out and your hearing loss will still be present. 

Small Hearing Aids Are the Best Hearing Aids

Another common myth that’s simply untrue. Small hearing aids – like in the canal (ITC) – can be more beneficial depending on your type of hearing loss. Likewise, larger ones – such as behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids – might be better for someone with a different type or severity of hearing loss. It depends on what type of hearing loss you’re experiencing, and how severe it is. Talk to your hearing health professional about the different types of hearing aids and which ones are the best for you. 

Hearing Aids Are Only for Old People

This is not true in the slightest, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The only slight bit of truth behind this myth is that older people do tend to have hearing aids and experience hearing loss. But, that’s only because the chances of experiencing age-related hearing loss will increase as you get older. 

Still, people in their twenties can have hearing aids – and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about it. There are many reasons you might have hearing loss from a young age. The longer you leave it, the more your hearing loss will decline. Hearing aids are for people of all ages – don’t be afraid to wear one as it will help you. 

Minor Hearing Loss Doesn’t Require Hearing Aids

Similarly, this isn’t a wise thing to believe. As mentioned above, if you leave hearing loss untreated, it is going to decline. See a hearing health professional, get a proper hearing test and listen to their advice. Minor hearing loss can still require hearing aids, and you will benefit from having them. It just might mean you only wear them in certain situations, rather than all the time. 

Don’t fall for any of these myths about hearing aids. If you have any questions related to hearing loss or hearing devices, don’t hesitate to ask a hearing health professional for the right guidance and advice. 

Audiology and Hearing Aid Services is here to walk you through all things related to hearing aids. Give our office a call at 912-351-3038.